Sunday, 21 April 2013

Avoidance & Distraction - sooooo close now

Arghhh – 9 days until my exam and I’m loitering dangerously on the thin line between nervous wreck and, well nervous wreck! On Thursday and Friday I managed to spend my study time wisely except for one moment of weakness that saw me download The Corrs album for old times sake.

Given this current head space I may just break my 4 month sober record post exam. Yes, I admit I got quite merry last week, and perhaps even a little merrier Friday night, but with no memory loss, no spews, no losing my legs and no having to be carried - I’m still calling myself sober. The times they are a’s to going home in a trolley and actually remembering it!
Seriously though – I’m squeezing in every painful study minute I can find and missing out on lots of fun in the meantime. I’ve passed up trips to Pingelly, trips to the beach, and trips to the park all for the cause. I did however manage to find time to put together an IKEA box after I got sick of looking at it.
 Despite what I’ve missed I’m also trying to strike a balance with play time and have managed to squeeze in lots of fun days and nights out during this study block. I normally say no to everything in April but couldn’t resist a ball, a night out with the girls, and a wedding…could I? I guess the exam results will speak for themselves after my April shenanigans.

While we're on the night out with the girls, this girl has impeccable taste in sisters! And the other, impeccable taste in blazers! I was supposed to instagram this photo for my yellow blazer buddy but I can't remember her name!

One thing I haven't deprived myself of during the study period, is food. Why must I insist on constantly chewing to get me through the hours? I’ve been like it as long as I can remember. When I was 8 months pregnant with Lachy, and in my final semester of full time Uni I nearly left Kris during a last minute cramming session because he refused to go to IGA and buy me a jam roll. At the time I didn’t even like jam rolls but during that pregnancy sugar was my BFF. (Purposely leaving out Rolo story here Tones and Elle!) I had to drag my own fat ass off to the shops for my jam roll so you’ll be pleased to hear I didn’t share it with Kris, or the Whistler chocolate licorice logs. Looking back now I can’t believe Lachy didn’t come out looking like a Whistler log.

The iPhone has yet to hit the tea towel drawer but I can feel it coming. (Yes I sang those words like Phil Collins - hope you did too?) Without it these past 11 weeks I’d have been lost. During the week I was toying with the idea of a room ‘clean’ off just to avoid study. Thankfully my studdy buddy Cass and I decided beer sounded better. Phew that was close though :-(
Next weekend is my last chance to master Strategic Management Accounting. I’m having a lock in, and may just move the bar fridge into my room so I don’t have to get out of bed to get a coke? Sounds like a plan….I’ll be sure to keep you posted on my progress!

In other news - I often overuse the old !!! I'm tempted to go back over my blogging history and see how many I've let sneak in as the weeks have rolled on. (I just deleted 9 from the text above!!) I promised myself at the start of this blogging adventure I WOULD NOT OVERUSE THEM! But damn it everything I have to say is just so bloody exciting!! I think that doing a countback of !!!! is a great study distraction and as such I'm saving it up for October when I'll be doing this bloody study thing all over again!!!!!!! Back to the books for now...

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