Wednesday, 2 January 2013

And so it begins....

But first a name...

I love how inspiration always strikes when my head hits the pillow.  It occurred to me at 11pm tonight that if I ever started the blog that someone suggested I write I would call it 'This Rolling Stone'. I was thinking about phrases and childhood games of Wheel of Fortune (as you do at 11pm.) My two favourite phrases at the time were ' a rolling stone gathers no moss' and 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'. I can now confess to not knowing the meaning behind either - I had just memorised the cards that slotted into the game and could win easily if I didn't spin the old bankrupt up. So 'This Rolling Stone' was supposed to represent my freedom and not standing still to let the crap pile up - a new year and a new me and all that fluffy stuff. A quick google search and I found out the intended meaning was actually nomads who travel around and never sit still, never settling down. I am just about as far from well travelled as it gets hence the name..."The stone's not rolling".

Yep that's me - grounded, settled, stuck! Perfect - we have a name. Now to work on some witty content and figure out what I want the blog to be about. Maybe there will be no rules? I'd like to say I'll post weekly but perhaps in my grounded, settled, stuck life there won't be much to write about? I'm sure I'll include lots of pictures to make up for poor wordcounts. Everyone likes pictures don't they?

Until then...

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