Saturday, 28 December 2013

December - Selfie Month

Can I start by saying I have bloody surprised myself this month. Wait for it...

On the 19th December I HIT THE WALL - was OVER the selfies big time! I almost shed a tear over the 12 pics left until I grabbed a beer and decided to have my staff Xmas party in the office. My staff (and the beer) cheered me up nicely and I made a little plan of attack for the last 12 'selfies' of Xmas!

The good news is I've now critiqued my block head from every angle possible and should stay away from the camera for a little while. I've also realised which clothes I wear too often and have implemented a wardrobe rotation policy to rectify the horror.

Without further ado allow me to present the 31 days of M I R A N D A....(Yes - I snuck ahead for the last few so I could share on the weekend)

Day 1: Off to Kids Xmas party #lovemykids #newhat #didimentionilovemykids

Day 2: #Monday #dietday #paleo #cleaneating #shredded #proteinshake #proteinballs #needtopaintmynailsbeforetakingselfies #stopmirandastop

Day 3: Love this dog #tessagirl #meanseverything #specialmorning

Day 4: Love me a good sleeping selfie #sotalented

Day 5: #fml #missingmakep #shouldhavetakenselfiebeforeclientarrived #fivetaxreturnsdone #onfire

Day 6: #bestnight #loveher #greatcatchup #friendsfor27years #bff061213*9:12pm #sogoodtoseeher #thai #ssb

Day 7: About to cross live to Bruce in the studio #olympicdressup #commentaryteam #greenandyellow

Day 8: Signs of a good night #goingtbealongday #mighttakesomemoreselfiestopassthetime
Day 9:Spending quality time with Ems! #couldbemybestangle #nofilter
Day 10: School mums Xmas catchup #yummylunch #lovelyladies #feralchild #lovethispicofhelen #shelookssooooogood

Day 11: Needed some help for this one #ihavenolips #quackquack

Day 12: Day 21 bites the dust #mayhavebackeditupwith18and14 #thisisliving #adventadventures #straighttothenaughtylist

Day 13: #enoughsaid #nofilterjustteenypics #prouddaybutnokidstoselfiewith #lookslikeitsjustme #again

Day 14: Beautiful wedding #stunningbride #soooooobloodyhot

Day 15: The best I can muster today #toooldforthisstuff #undertheweather #groombustedmytoe #needsleep

Day 16: #lovingtheipadselfieslately #issheorisntshe #somuchcoverage #whatisphotostreamingthoughandshoulditurnitoff?
Day17: #freshair #parktime #3dayhangover #orsomethingnasty #boughtnewbuckets #getbetterme

Day 18: #bigdayshopping #alosbecameanauntieagain #alsolostmytoenail #somanyreasonstocelebrate #luckyiwenttodanmurphys #almostbacktonormal #yesshehadapepsi

Day 19: Last day of school #bringonholidays #shameimworking 
Day 20: Nothing like a #selfiesesh with a  #selfiequeen to lift my selfies funk #matchymatchy #sonotplanned

Day 21:Happy Birthday to the always glamorous Cass #shehadmeatWitchery

Day 22: Aunty Molly meets Abbie Cadabby #perfection

Day 23: Lachy and I meet baby Minnie #awwwwskip #ttttt

Day 24: #hardtoselfiewhenphonewasconfiscated #straighttothenaughylist #badass

Day 25: Yes you can open your soon as Mummy gets her selfie! #tired 25 down...6 to go...#ithinkicanithinkican

Day 26: #toiletselfies #withadifference #annabanana #nicehair

Day 27: Boxing day fun #toiletselfies

Day 28: Hard to resist a kissing selfie #yesplease #loveher

Day 29: Haircut time #obliged

Day 30: Happy Birthday #mrmick #birthdayboyselfie

Day 31: And that's it!!!! No more selfies (for a day or two at least!) #2013 #whatayear #feelinglucky #byebye


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